Pre-Purchase Home Inspection
Are you buying a home? A pre-purchase home inspection can provide you with the information you need to know about the condition of the house you plan to purchase. More information equals an informed purchase decision, which equals fewer surprises. Minimize the risk to your investment. No one wants to face serious, unexpected costs shortly after purchase.
It will also provide you with the information you will need for any repairs and maintenance your new home may require. Our professional home inspection will allow you to buy with confidence.

Roof, Vents, Flashing, and Trim
Gutters and Downspouts
Skylight, Chimney and Other
Roof Penetrations
Decks, Stoops, Porches, Walkways, and Railings
Eaves, Soffit and Fascia
Grading and Drainage
Basement, Foundation
and Crawlspace
Water Penetration and Foundation Movement
Heating and Cooling Systems
Water Heating System
Main Water Shut-off Valves
Interior Plumbing Fixtures and Faucets
Drainage Sump Pumps with Accessible Floats
Electrical Service Line and Meter Box
Main Electrical Disconnect and Service Amperage
Electrical Panels, Breakers and Fuses
Grounding and Bonding
Fireplace Damper Door and Hearth
Insulation and Ventilation
Garage Doors, Safety Sensors, and Openers
Protect Your Family With Zinc Home Inspections
You should expect quality and integrity in a home inspection. You can do better than accept “opinions” in place of evaluations. You can expect a home inspector to give you a thorough assessment of every single part of any home and help you understand what it means. You deserve to make an informed decision about buying, selling or maintaining your home.